National Retirement Security Week

Oct 24, 2019

This week is National Retirement Security Week. Now is the time to discuss with your prospects whether they have a plan for retirement. The sooner they start saving, the better! So, don’t neglect your younger clients when it comes to talking about retirement.

We offer a variety of retirement solutions and alternatives that allow your prospects to choose a plan that best fits their needs. Whether they are looking for annuities or IULs, we have a product that can help them feel more secure with the retirement funding. One of our most exciting tools to help present some of these solutions is The Retirement ACE.

The Retirement ACE is designed to help you explain the benefits of IUL in a balanced retirement portfolio. This is an interactive sales presentation that compares your client's current retirement plan to a retirement plan supplemented by an IUL. Contact your Agent Relationship Manager at 480.296.0169 to see if The Retirement ACE can help you secure more sales!

retirement ace header.PNG

Category: Retirement